Current Projects

Grazing capacity
The true land use and feed consumption of livestock can only accurately be determined when the available natural and planted pasture is known. Using satellite imaging and the knowledge of various field and pasture experts, we are busy developing pasture usage figures on a global and local scale. This will be added to PLANET once complete.
Herd structures
As a future development to the “feed per specie” function, we are busy researching herd structures for the various species across the globe. This information will assist us in determining true feed consumption per specie and production system for any given time-period, rather than comparing only number of animals with feed intake.

Methane emissions
Ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats) is in focus for their large contribution to methane emissions and consequent climate change. We have launched a project to determine the true lifecycle of methane emissions related to livestock to determine their factual contribution to climate change.
Once complete, this function will be added to PLANET. If you want to get involved, feel free to reply to this email or click on the button below.