Use our curated data library for your research, with the latest relevant research and our own documentation visible here.

PLANET Food System Explorer Tools
Explore the food system the way you prefer with our explorer tool: equipped with a world-map view, scenario builder and multiple indicators to choose from.

Research Projects
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PLANET Food System Explorer

View global distribution of variables such as protein supply, livestock numbers, cropland and more.

Sankey Mass Flow
A full mass-flow diagram of products and food-groups produced on a global and country-specific level for ease of visualisation.

Scenario Builder
Compare scenarios between years, countries, or globally to visualise the impact of different variables within scenarios.

Sankey Mass Flow
A full mass-flow diagram of products and food-groups produced on a global and country-specific level for ease of visualisation.

The Economics of Protein
The document provides a comprehensive overview of the economic aspects of protein consumption, focusing on its sources, global availability, pricing, and the future supply-demand scenario. It addresses the nutritional disparities across economies and the sustainability of animal vs. plant-based proteins, aiming to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable food system.
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Diet, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 80 countries
This study presents findings from a comprehensive study involving 245,000 individuals across 80 countries, examining the association between a healthy diet score—based on intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and dairy—and health outcomes. The study underscores the diet's significant impact on reducing mortality and cardiovascular disease risk, particularly in lower-income countries, highlighting the global importance of promoting healthier eating patterns for improved public health outcomes.
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Welcome to the Global Observatory for Accurate Livestock Sciences.
In a world stirred up by an abundance of information and bias, we aim to curate such evidence topic-by-topic on the livestock sciences that is most relevant, accurate and objective.
Along with our partners, we strive to highlight actionable insights on livestock production and consumption and with it inspire all our users to work jointly towards a sustainable global food system.
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